Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary: The New Testament Greek word: λιψ

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/DictionaryG/l/l-i-ps.html


Abarim Publications' online Biblical Greek Dictionary


The noun λιψ (lips) is one of a few that describe particular winds (ανεμος, anemos) mentioned in the New Testament, namely the southwestern (Acts 27:12 only) — others are χωρος (choros), the northwestern, the Euroclydon, the easterly surger, and the νοτος (notos), south wind (see below).

Our noun λιψ (lips) stems from the same Proto-Indo-European root "leyb-", to pour, that also yielded the unused verb λειβω (leibo), and hence the nouns λιμην (limen), harbor, and λιμνη (limne), lake, and the Latin libo, from which English gets the verb to libate.

Lips was one of a few deified winds that are named in the Bible.


The noun νοτος (notos) describes the south wind, that's the wind that comes from the south and goes north. The same word could also describe the south in general, but not so much as a mere static quarter but rather as the place of origin of certain things coming north. In Greek mythology, Nostos was one of many deified winds.

It's unclear where this word may have come from, but here at Abarim Publications we surmise it may have been imported into the Greek language basin along with the alphabet, and ultimately derives from the verb נתן (natan), to give.

The south wind brought either very warm air from Africa, or very wet air and thus rain from the Mediterranean (a derived verb, νοτιζω, notizo means to moisten). This wind was times feared as a crop-burner and a storm bringer. Still, the Hebrew word for south, namely תימן (teman), comes from a group of words that have to do with the right-hand side, ימין (yamin), and are decidedly positive. Our word νοτος (notos), likewise, was associated with the Queen of the South, both proverbially generous with gifts (1 Kings 10:10) and with condemnations (Matthew 12:42).

Our noun νοτος (notos) occurs 7 times in the New Testament; see full concordance


The noun βορρασ (borras) means north and appears to be named after Βορεας (Boreas), the deified god of the northern wind (hence the aurora borealis, the northern lights). Where that name comes from is a mystery, but the Hebrew word בר (bor) means cleanness or pureness, and בור (bor) means well or pit. Also note the similarity between βορεας (boreas), north wind, and the nouns βορβορος (borboros), filth, and βαρβαρος (barbaros), barbarian.

Unlike the gift-bringing southern wind, Boreas was known to be mostly a taker, a kidnapper and rapist of princesses even. But Boreas had also sunk the Persian fleet, so he was not all bad. He was depicted as an old man with wings. Two of his sons sailed with Jason on the Argos. A legendary land called Hyperborea, or above the north wind, was supposedly peopled by happy and long-living people.

Boreas, the northern wind, strangely enough, is not at all mentioned in the New Testament. Noun βορρασ (borras), meaning north, occurs in Luke 13:29 and Revelation 21:13 only.