Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Perida-Peruda

Perida-Peruda meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Perida.html

🔼The name Perida / Peruda: Summary

Spreadling, Seed, Berry, Mule
From the verb פרד (parad), to divide, branch out or spread out.

🔼The name Perida / Peruda in the Bible

The name Perida (פרידא) occurs only once in the Bible: Nehemiah lists him as one of the servants of Solomon whose sons were among the returnees from Babylon (Nehemiah 7:57). Ezra gives the same list, with some minor differences, and calls this man Peruda (פרודא; Ezra 2:55).

🔼Etymology of the name Perida / Peruda

The name Perida or Peruda comes from the verb פרד (parad) means to divide, branch out or spread out:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb פרד (parad) means to divide, branch out or spread out and is used to describe the formation of river deltas, the branching of nations from a common ancestor, the spreading of wings or the separating of individuals. This verb emphasizes success, prosperity and protection.

Noun פרדה (peruda) means "spreadling" and is used to denote seed. Likewise פרידא (perida) means pebble or berry. Nouns פרד (pered) and פרדה (pirda) mean mule, which suggests that these animals were proverbially known for their habit of spreading out while grazing.

🔼Perida / Peruda meaning

For the meaning of the name Perida or Peruda, Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads Distinguished, which is not so much implied by the verb. Neither NOBSE Study Bible Name List nor BDB Theological Dictionary offer any help with this name other than its proximity to the verb פרד (parad).

During times of uncertainty, war or famine, people tend to concentrate or huddle together, and here at Abarim Publications we guess that our name emphasizes activities that are signature to peace and prosperity, namely the spreading out of people, of seed and of life stock.