Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Joiakim

Joiakim meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Joiakim.html

🔼The name Joiakim: Summary

Yah Raises Up, The Lord Will Set Up
From (1) יו (yu), an alternate of יה (yah), the shortened form of the name of the Lord, and (2) the verb קום (qum), to rise up or stand.

🔽The name Joiakim in the Bible

There's only one man named Joiakim in the Bible, but his name is one of two contracted forms of the name Jehoiakim. The other one is Jokim.

Joiakim is the son of Jeshua the high priest during the time of the return from exile (Nehemiah 12:10, 12:26).

🔽Etymology of the name Joiakim

The name Joiakim consists of two elements, the first one being the appellative יה (Yah) = יהו (Yahu) = יו (Yu), which in turn are abbreviated forms of the Tetragrammaton יהוה, YHWH, or Yahweh.

The second element of the name Joiakim comes from the verb קום (qum), meaning to rise up or stand:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

Verb קום (qum) means to stand or rise up, both literally (getting up from sitting or erecting some statue) or figuratively (establishing someone in some office). Noun קימה (qima) means a rising up, noun תקומה (tequma), denotes an ability or power to stand, and noun מקום (maqom) describes some set location, place to stand or station.

Noun קמה (qoma) or קומה (qoma) means height or highness and noun קים (qim) describes someone who rises up against someone (an adversary or enemy). Noun קיממיות (qommiyut) means uprightness. Noun קמה (qama) denotes standing grain. And noun יקום (yequm) denotes substance or existence.

🔽Joiakim meaning

For a meaning of the name Joiakim, BDB Theological Dictionary proposes Yah Raiseth Up and NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads the similar Yahweh Raises Up. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has The Lord Will Set Up.