Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Janoah

Janoah meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Janoah.html

🔼The name Janoah: Summary

Rest, Quiet, He Will Give Rest
From the verb נוח (nuah), to rest.

🔼The name Janoah in the Bible

There are two towns named Janoah in the Bible:

  • A town somewhere halfway on the eastern border of the area of Ephraim (just north of Judah, west of the Jordan river) (Joshua 16:6-7). Note that the name of this place is actually spelled ינוחה, Janohah.
  • A town either far north of the previous Janoah or else east of the Jordan. It's mentioned among the north and north-eastern towns and regions that fell to Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, during the reign of king Pekah of Israel. This invasion resulted in the first deportation of Israelites to Assyria.

🔼Etymology of the name Janoah

The name Janoah comes from the verb נוח (nuah), meaning to rest:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb נוח (nuah) means to come to rest or to cease interference. Noun נחת (nahat) means quietness or a quiet attitude. Noun ניחח (nihoah) or ניחוח (nihoah) means a quieting or soothing. Noun הנחה (hanaha) means a giving of rest. Noun מנוח (manoah) describes a place or condition of rest. Noun מנוחה (menuha) or מנחה (menuha) means resting place, or quietness.

Verb נחת (nahet) means to descend or go down. Noun נחת (nahat) means descent, and is identical to the noun meaning quietness (see above). Adjective נחת (nahet) means descending.

Verb נחה (naha) means to lead or guide. This verb has no derivatives.

🔼Janoah meaning

For a meaning of the name Janoah, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Rest, Quiet, and Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has Rest. BDB Theological Dictionary does not interpret our name but does confirm that it stems from the verb נוח (nuah), meaning to rest.