Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Chidon

Chidon meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Chidon.html

🔼The name Chidon: Summary

Aggravated Assault, Javelin
From the verb כיד (kyd), to strive or combat.

🔼The name Chidon in the Bible

The name Chidon occurs only once in the Bible, namely in 1 Chronicles 13:9, where it is attached to the threshing floor where Uzza touched the ark and was killed by YHWH. Subsequently David named the place Perez-uzza.

In the parallel text of 2 Samuel 6:6-8, Uzza (עזא) is called Uzzah (עזה) and Chidon (כידן) is called Nacon (נכון). These differences obviously demonstrate that the later author found the action of the narrative of much greater importance than the names, which suggests that the action of the narrative conveys a natural phenomenon, whereas the names are illustrative.

🔼Etymology of the name Chidon

The name Chidon appears to be related to the verb כיד (kyd), to strive or combat:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb כדד (kdd) isn't used in the Bible but in cognate languages it means to toil severely or be very tired. In the Bible this root appears to have to do with fire: glowing or baking. Noun כד (kad) means jar. Noun כידוד (kidod) means spark or red glow. Noun כדכד (kadkod) denotes a gem, possibly a ruby.


The verb כיד (kyd) is also not used in the Bible but in cognate language it means to strive or struggle. The noun כידון (kidon) describes an instrument of war, particularly a dart or javelin.

🔼Chidon meaning

For a meaning of the name Chidon, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads A Javelin and Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has a rather generous Great Destruction. BDB Theological Dictionary does not translate this name.