Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Chenaanah

Chenaanah meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Chenaanah.html

🔼The name Chenaanah: Summary

International Trade
From the verb כנע (kana), to be brought into synchronicity.

🔼The name Chenaanah in the Bible

There are two different men named Chenaanah in the Bible:

  • The father of the false prophet Zedekiah, who opposed Micaiah, the righteous prophet, in matters concerning a war between king Ahab of Israel and the Arameans (1 Kings 22:11, 22:24)
  • A son of Jediael, who was a son of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 7:10).

🔼Etymology of the name Chenaanah

The name Chenaanah is the feminine form of the name Canaan, and both are similar to the verb כנע (kana'), meaning to be humbled or harnessed:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The verb כנע (kana') means to synchronize, or to give up individual leanings in order to unite more effectively as a group. Noun כנעה (kin'a) means bundle or pack.

Note that although this verb may have a negative taste to modern libertarians, this verb sits at the heart of all civilization, even the very formation of language, and sets free rather than enslaves.

🔼Chenaanah meaning

For a meaning of the name Chenaanah, NOBSE Study Bible Name List merely reads "feminine form of Canaan". Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names says Merchant, and explains this with the colorful One Who Bends The Knee. BDB Theological Dictionary does not translate this name.