Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in Abarim Publications' Biblical Name Vault: Achbor

Achbor meaning


Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Achbor.html

🔼The name Achbor: Summary

From the noun עכבר (akbar), mouse.

🔼The name Achbor in the Bible

There are three men named Achbor in the Bible:

  • The father of Baal-hanan, the successor of the Edomite king Shaul of Rehoboth (Genesis 36:38).
  • A son of Micaiah who is mentioned among the court officials of king Josiah of Judah (2 Kings 22:12). This Achbor is also known as Abdon and his father as Micah (2 Chronicles 34:20).
  • The father of Elnathan, a court official who was sent to Egypt by king Jehoiakim to retrieve the wayward prophet Uriah (Jeremiah 26:22). This Elnathan son of Achbor was present when Baruch introduced the scroll of Jeremiah to the court (Jeremiah 36:12).

The reign of king Jehoiakim began about eleven years after the death of king Josiah, so chances are excellent that the latter two Achbors are the same person. NOBSE Study Bible Name List thinks so and lists only two Achbors. Alfred Jones (Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names) doesn't think so and lists three Achbors. BDB Theological Dictionary doesn't know and offers a "perhaps" at best.

🔼Etymology of the name Achbor

The name Achbor comes from the common Hebrew noun עכבר (akbar), meaning mouse:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary

The noun עכבר (akbar) means mouse. In the Greek symbolic jargon, the mouse (μυς, mus) was associated with secrecy and esotericism (μυστης, mustes; hence words like mystery and muse). In Hebrew the mouse was associated with the עכביש (akkabish), or spider, the notorious web-weaving ambush predator. The Bible promotes transparency and free exchange of services and ideas, and abhors secrecy and selective elites, particularly those with mere interest in economic gain.

🔼Achbor meaning

The name Achbor means Mouse.