Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary: The Old Testament Hebrew word: ביי

Source: https://www.abarim-publications.com/Dictionary/b/b-y-y.html


Abarim Publications' online Biblical Hebrew Dictionary

ביי  בי

The verb ביי (bayay) or בי (bay) means to entreat. As verb it only occurs in Job 34:36, but it yields בי (bi), which a particle of entreaty. Contrasted by the more common particle of entreaty נא (na, as in Hosanna), our word בי (bi) is reserved for expressing "craving permission to address a superior, always followed by אדני (adonai) and always (except Joshua 7:8) at the beginning of a speech" (in the words of BDB Theological Dictionary). It means something like "I pray . . . ," or "excuse me . . . "

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